
Keto French Toast Loaf

If you’ve been around the keto world (especially on Instagram), you’ve seen, heard, and maybe even made egg loaf. I have made it a million times, and I wanted to share what has become our family’s favorite version. Easy, quick, great for meal planning, and kid approved. We enjoy this for easy breakfast during the week and sometimes as a great dessert. Just pair with sugar-free syrup and homemade whipped cream!
This recipe makes 18 servings using THIS pan for easy single serve portions to grab and heat up. Alternatively, you could use a muffin pan. Fill up 1/2 way in the muffin pan as to not overfill and end up with a mess in your oven!



  1. Preheat oven to 350º F
  2. In blender, combine all ingredients.
  3. Spray baking pan with non-stick spray. If doing muffins-silicone muffin liners work great and don’t require spray.
  4. Pour mixture into your choice of baking pan making sure to leave some space at the top. The loaves will inflate while baking and sink when they cool.
  5. Bake until toothpick comes out clean. Using my recommended pan, it will be about 15-20 mins.
  6. Enjoy with some sugar-free syrup and whipped cream!
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