Puppy chow isn’t for puppies, but keto chow is for keto followers. Puppy chow is the perfect combo of sweet and crunchy, and this version doesn’t disappoint. In fact, the little extra saltiness in this makes me like it almost MORE than the original. It was a great test of willpower for me to walk away and not eat the entire bowl!

1/2 cup (1 stick) Butter
3/4 cup Peanut Butter (check ingredients! You want to see just peanuts and salt.)
1 tsp Liquid Stevia
2 oz Unsweetened Bakers Chocolate
1 cup Confectioners Erythritol
6.5 oz Pork Rinds
- Melt butter, peanut butter, and chocolate together in saucepan over medium heat.
- Remove from heat. Add liquid stevia and mix well.
- Put pork rinds into gallon sized zip top bags.
- Pour in chocolate mixture and shake to cover.
- In second zip top bag, put confectioners erythritol. Pour chocolate covered pork rinds into this second bag and shake again.
- Try to not eat the whole batch. 🙂
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