Gift Guide

Come on…a Keto Gift Guide?! Well- more of a kitchen lover’s gift guide. I’ve complied a list of my FAVORITE kitchen items. Items I can’t live without, that make my life easier, or get my kiddos to eat! Use these ideas for those who love working in the kitchen, or…

Minnesota Meet Up Swag Bag

Last weekend was the meet up for our area’s keto-ers. As a VIP ticket holder, I got an amazing bag of samples and products to try! Take a look at what came home, and let me know in the comments if there is anything you’d like to see a review…

Woodman’s Grocery Haul

During my weekend trip to La Crosse, I made a quick swing into Woodman’s and found some great keto goodies!…

What I learned from #ScaleFreeSeptember

For the month of September, I decided it was time to give up one of my strongest addictions: the scale.  I had become obsessed with the number so much so that I was weighing in multiple times a day.  It had even started to determine how the day would go…


I’ll admit it: I’ve developed an obsession. ob·ses·sion noun the state of being obsessed with someone or something. an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind. The scale and I have a complicated relationship.  For those that follow me on Instagram, I shared that I…