Pinterest Pin for Keto Cupcakes

Konscious Keto Cupcakes

October is no grocery shopping month here. We are using what we have in the freezer, pantry, and fridge. When I got a craving for chocolate cupcakes and found out we had no cocoa powder, I started racking my brain. I pulled this out of the beverage cupboard skeptical if I could make it work. I hadn’t done baking before with protein powder, but my craving said “it’s worth a shot.”

The fact that I’m typing up this recipe means they came out absolutely FANTASTIC. I topped with All Day I Dream About Food’s Swiss Meringue Butter Cream Frosting with just a slight bit of orange food coloring for some October fun.

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

Rhubarb is one of those summer treats that brings me back to my childhood.  My mom would make pies and crisps that we would all gobble up (topped with ice cream).  In fact when we moved, I made sure to bring our rhubarb plants with us.  They were originally from our family cottage where we spent the summers swimming and fishing in the Mississippi River.  Often enjoying a piece of rhubarb crisp or pie after our adventures of the day.  This jam recipe brought me right back to those sun filled days.