Sourdough has quickly become a favorite for our house. The fermentation process helps break down the glutens which allows for an easier digestion process. This is a collection of our favorite recipes we use our sourdough starter with.

Don’t have a starter yet? Submit a request below for a dehydrated starter with instructions to reactivate!

Active Starter Recipe:

Rustic Bread Loaf (Traditional): Whispering Willow Farms

Sandwich Bread: The Feathered Nester

Discard Recipes:

Browned Butter Sourdough Discard Chocolate Chip Cookies: Amber’s Kitchen

Discard Hamburger Buns: The Pantry Mama

Discard Pizza Crust: Little Spoon Farm

Need Starter?

Starter is packaged and mailed with instructions to rehydrate. Cost is $10 to help with materials and shipping. A link for payment will be sent via email after submission.